How does iConsultera ensure that right people are inducted within the company?
iConsultera has a stringent hiring & induction mechanism where applicants undergo a thorough assessment of their qualifications, communication skills, technology or related skills and their long-term career goals. We believe in hiring the right set of people who could be trained and mentored to make them world class recruiters and sales professionals. The qualifications required to join our organization is either having past experience with agency or in-house recruitment or holding a technical degree with past experience in customer-service and corporate environment such as BPO, KPO, RPO or relevant outsourcing industry.
What aspects or subjects are covered when hiring consultants new to US Staffing & Recruiting industry?
The expert trainers at iConsultera engage each new hire in two weeks of rigorous training including both classroom as well as on-the-job training covering aspects including but not limited to US Geography, facts & figures, tax terms, time zones, work authorization, security clearance, resume sourcing (active and passive), candidate screening, communication templates, various systems & tools (ATS & VMS), acts & compliance, policies & regulations, salary negotiation & benefits, etc.
How does iConsultera ensure that the consultants deployed on a certain project are fully trained?
The consultants deployed on a client project are interviewed and selected by client representatives and then jointly trained on client systems, recruitment process, templates, reports and policies. Before these consultants interview with client reps, they undergo a thorough training and or have prior US Staffing & Recruitment experience which empowers them to perform their duties seamlessly.
Contract & Billing
How does your contract/MSA look like and what all pointers does it cover?
The iConsultera’ MSA covers the standard terms & conditions of the engagement including engagement terms for both parties, limitations, confidentiality, service guarantee, commercials, termination policies and non-disclosure.
What's the price of the service, billing cycle and payment methods accepted?
The price of the service depends upon the scope of service, volume and quality of resources selected for the program. The billing cycle is monthly to be paid with NET30 terms while the methods accepted are International Wire Transfer and Paypal. Also, there are no hidden fees and additional charges to our standard cost unless mentioned in the contract and mutually agreed by the client during the proposal stage.
How does the billing affect if the select consultant is absent with Offshore Recruitment Support?
Our billing model is based upon the consultants dedicated to your program, if a consultant doesn’t show-up for any reason, iConsultera will deploy a qualified back-up resource after your consent to keep up with the daily deliverable. If the back-up recruiter is not deployed to your program at either party’s discretion, the bill is waived-off for the number of days the engaged recruiter is away.
Core Service Delivery
What are the performance guarantees for Offshore Recruitment Support?
While crafting the solution or proposal, we create progressive service levels as we understand that every relationship starts with low numbers and then steers towards the agreed service levels within few weeks. However, we keep Client representatives abreast of the movement status of progress for each week along with what help iConsultera team seeks to achieve the agreed metrics. Also, our weekly reports delivered to clients highlights the achieved statistics against the agreed statistics along with areas of improvement.
iConsultera leaders work very closely with all consultants to extend phenomenal support they need to meet the client expectations, even if it requires to go extra miles or extend hours. We are a very flexible company whose focus is building great relationships by delivering unmatched client as well as candidate experience.
What level of involvement does the program require from the Client representative?
During the early phases of program implementation, our associates would seek help from the Client Account Managers and Senior Recruiters of client to thoroughly understand the process, templates, client expectations and communication standards to adapt. However, at later dates the team would seek very minimal supervision from the Client Account Manager on daily basis and only seek help on maintaining or streamlining the feedback mechanism, participation on performance review calls and access to advanced reports and trends of their individual performance.
How does iConsultera verify the quality of work being performed by Offshore Recruitment consultants engaged in the program?
iConsultera has multiple checks as well as processes in place to ensure the quality is maintained in every aspect of the work being performed. Some of these checks include listening to calls real-time, validating templates at frequent intervals, spot checks of detailed gathered over phone and email, observing performance trends including rejection ratios as well as reasons, return on investment trends and candidate excellence ratios. Based upon the observations, a customized training plan is designed for the consultants to refresh & coach them upon areas of improvement.
What are the operational hours at iConsultera and which holiday calendar is followed?
iConsultera has capabilities to operate round the clock however your designated consultants will follow the suggested timezone as well as days. The consultants are flexible to operate in different shift hours depending upon the need of the project as well as activities to be performed. As long as the holiday calendar is concerned, the consultants follow the client-suggested holiday calendar.
The standard operational hours would be 9 hours each day for 5 days in a week excluding holiday and or bank holidays provided or suggested by the client.
What are the means of communication available to directly communicate with designated consultants?
We primarily support Phone, Email, IM and Video communication directly with the designated consultants during the shift hours.